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Frequently Asked Questions

Is transportation available to Meadowbrook? 

Transportation is available from all four areas in the county. Currently, students are picking up their home middle school bus and taking a shuttle bus to a central location where they pick up a second bus to Meadowbrook. This varies by location, please contact CCPS Transportation for specific routes. 

How many students are accepted to the specialty center each year? 

M.A.D.E does not have a set number of student acceptances. On average, we accept 25 students. We look forward to growing that number every year! 


What are the MADE courses am I required to take? Please see our course pathway page

What other requirements does M.A.D.E have aside from specific courses? Students at M.A.D.E participate in our marketing professional student organization, DECA. Also, students complete community service hours, work based learning opportunities, and participate in Shark Tank!


Is there a specific M.A.D.E school counselor and administrator? 

Yes! Mrs. Christina Frias is our Assistant Principal and oversees MADE. You can reach her at 804-743-3675 ext. 6401 or

Ms. LaKeisha Bittle, is our M.A.D.E school counselor,  804-743-3675 ext. 6420 or 

I’m coming from private school, who do I need to talk to about registering my child? Please reach out to our registar, Yamilia Smith at 804-743-3675 or 

What teacher recommendations does the M.A.D.E require? 

  • Teacher recommendations will also be submitted digitally using School Mint.

  • You will need to get 2 confidential teacher recommendations from your school. Teachers will fill out the recommendation using the online application as well that will open on 12/1.

  • In the meantime, please talk with your teachers and ask them if they would like to help you apply to a specialty center by completing a teacher recommendation form when they become available online 12/1. 

    • We would like to see one core teacher and one CTE teacher, if possible 

    • CTE - Career Technical Education - examples: technology education, engineering, computers, family and consumer science, business, career exploration 

    • If you do not have a CTE teacher, then a World Language or another elective teacher 

When are specialty center applications due? Online applications must be submitted by December 1, 2022. 

When I am admitted, am I considered a part of the school or just there for the specialty center? 

A student is considered, like a student on a placement waiver to another school, a guest in a non-attendance zone school building with access to all school opportunities. The goal of each Center is to attempt to immerse Center students into the life and activity of the school they are attending. The school becomes that student’s school setting as if it were their school unless there is a major disciplinary, behavioral, or academic issue which may result in a student being removed from the Specialty Center and/or returned to their attendance zone school. 

Does this mean I must apply for a waiver to remain in the Center each year? No. As per our School Board Policy, students admitted into Specialty Centers do not have to use the annual waiver process

Can a student participate in a sport back at their attendance-zone school if the school with the Center does not have that sport? 

No. As each CCPS high school is a member of the Virginia High School League (VHSL), students may only participate in a sport at the school with the Center they are attending. 

If a family has two high school age children and one is a student at a Specialty Center, can their sibling get an automatic waiver to the same school? 

No. The School Board Policy does not allow for this option. 

Shannon Tual

MADE Coordinator 

(804) 743-3675 ext. 6204


Meadowbrook High School

4901 Cogbill Road

North Chesterfield, VA 23234

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